
This initiative is an attempt to actively engage museum visitors, allowing them to showcase their talent. This is conducted at the NMIC Amphitheatre from 4pm-6pm every Sunday.  The best ones are given exciting prizes!

Women’s Day Invite and Schedule...

NFDC – NMIC welcomes you to  ‘A Cinematic Celebration of Womanhood’ Date- 11th March Time- 11am onwards Venue- National Museum of Indian Cinema The detailed…

Chronicles of Timeless Treasures...

An initiative wherein every Saturday at 4:00pm, films that have stood the test of time and are restored by the NFAI in 4K resolution under…

Mar 07, 2024
Women’s Day Invite and Schedule...

NFDC – NMIC welcomes you to  ‘A Cinematic Celebration of Womanhood’ Date- 11th March Time- 11am onwards Venue- National Museum of Indian Cinema The detailed…

Mar 07, 2024
Chronicles of Timeless Treasures...

An initiative wherein every Saturday at 4:00pm, films that have stood the test of time and are restored by the NFAI in 4K resolution under…